Libertex's Everyday Pleasures

Friday, February 24, 2006


Every day (unless I am sick or have no access to the internet) there are four cartoons that are must reads for me. Three I have only seen on the internet the fourth we all know. Here they are with one of my favorite strips;

Dilbert of course

User Friendly

Day by Day


Key Lime Pie

I shop at the local Hen House grocery store 2-3 times a week. When I feel I really deserve a desert, I normally don't eat dessert, I pick up a small pie. Hen House carries Tippin pies and their Key Lime is the best I have found at a grocery store. It certainly is not as good as mom made or as I have had at really good restaurants, but it is very good.

Panera's Breakfast Souffles

I don't know how long Panera has made these but I just discovered them a few weeks ago. I have gone to Panera periodically for their bagels (Asiago Cheese) or sometimes their Cinnamon Rolls but one day I noticed the souffles. They have two kinds and they only server them for breakfast.

My favorite is the Spinach and Artichoke. If my mother was alive she would be amazed to hear I like anything with spinach in it as it was one of the two foods that I would absolutely refuse to eat as a child or as a teen. But this is incredible! The inside is moist and rich but the crust really sets it apart. I have made quiche at home, I like to experiment with different things but have always used regular pie shells. This souffle reminds me of the best quiche filling you could imagine somehow baked in a side a fresh flaky croissant !

I brought in a few to work a few weeks ago and shared with some of my favorite coworkers. The next week one of them came to tell me off! She had become addicted to them returning 4 times in just 5 days to get one! Since there are Paneras all over town it is fairly easy to find this but I try and ration myself to one every week or so. But when I really one something good, nay exquisite, for breakfast I know where to go.


Like most people at my point in life (let's just say my older brother is retiring this year) I have to make sure I watch those treats that add calories to my meals. I have found a way to do that and share the pleasure with my friends!

I used to live in Spokane and down the highway was a bulk candy and snack store called The Nut Factory. Last year I found that they have a web site so I started to order from them and after sharing some with friends at work decided to share everyday. So now about once a month or so I order a few 5 pound bags of Lemon and/or Mint Chocolate Appels, Chocolate Almonds, White Chocolate Almonds, Chocolate Malt Balls, or Orange/Lemon Fruit Slices.

I tell you my cube is pretty popular. I keep a old cigar box full of 2 or three kinds and I see people come by once or twice a day. This last time I ordered they were out of the mint appels and I have a few people that come by and keep asking when I will get more and that I be sure and get them next time. Course it doesn't stop them from having some of what I do have (today I have Chocolate and White Chocolate Almonds and Lemon Appels on my desk).

So I get to have some excellent candy, I keep it at work so I don't pig out at home, and I get to put a little pleaure in my co-workers lives!

Why Everyday Pleasures?

I have had my List of Rants page for a while and lately I haven't really had anything that just plan pissed me off. But I have been taking advantage of some of those common ordinary treats that add pleasure to your day and yet don't take a lot of effort. I don't mean going out to a fancy dinner, but those things like having a flavored syrup added to your latte to make it special. Just ordinary things you do to reward yourself or just to add a little something to a bad day.

So I will start collecting these simple pleasures as I do my rants and if you have any ideas just drop me a line.